Do you need more fitness...or more finesse?

What do you really need to get better at the sports you love?

In the sports world today, the word stronger is nearly synonymous with better. Many athletes tell me that their primary goal is to “get stronger” at their beloved sports. People marveling at talented friends will often remark, “she is such a strong climber; they are such a strong rider!”

And of course, it’s hard to argue that strength and fitness do not contribute to one’s athletic ability. They most certainly do!

But when we begin to equate strength with skill, it’s easy to lose sight of the other marvelous qualities that make the great athletes so great. This equation is also likely to narrow the focus of our training program to exercises that improve our strength (and little else).

So how can you tell if your performance plateau is related to a need for increased fitness or a need for fine-tuned finesse? Here are a few clues:

You need more FITNESS if...

1. “Doing your sport” is the only exercise you get

2. Other athletes performing at your level are considerably stronger/faster/fitter than you

3. Almost all of your sports injuries occur when you are fatigued

4. Your doctor has recommended you lose weight

You need more FINESSE if...

1. You spend very little time training your movement, balance, or sport-specific skills

2. You have “bad posture”

3. It is sometimes hard to get your body to do what your mind tells it

4. You have frequent or recurring injuries (e.g., “bad knees” or “tweaky shoulder”)


In truth, most athletes could benefit from some combination of improved fitness and finesse. The challenge lies in knowing when and how to artfully blend the two together across time and circumstance.

Next time you catch yourself wishing you were stronger, take a moment to reflect. Do you really need more strength, or could you instead get it done with speed? Are you lacking endurance, or are you missing out on efficiency?

Do you need more fitness…or more finesse?

Ps. Want to level up your fitness and finesse? Book a free consultation with me and let's chat!